Hello Y'all,
What has three heads, screams so loud your ears will bleed and can raze a small town in seconds? No, we aint talkin' 'bout no King Ghidorah. It's the First Thursday of Every Month Trio, those vinyl toting spazzes, The Once a Day Vinyl Supplement - CHUD Daly, the one-man three legged race known as "Bronco" Billy Dolan and a half man; half cinder block hybrid known as Primitive Sound System. If all three were to spin their sets at the exact same time it would be like hearing the voices of angels shat out the ass of a grizzly bear. A sound so pure it would kill you instantly. Fear not, you get to enjoy every note, every sound, every dirty groove in three equally timed segments which as far as we know can only cause minor injuries. Of course the whole experience is heightened when looking through the bottom of mason jar filled with beer. But then again what isn't, except maybe driving. Remember kids, if you are drinking don't drive, and if you are walking… make up for the folks driving. Larry The Hunter is pouring those drinks so tip him like you mean it because he can smell fear a mile away.
- pat.
Primitive Sound System
"Audio Visual Triumphs and Disasters" - http://primitivesoundsystem.blogspot.com
Thursday, July 7th - 9PM to Closing
Bronco Billy Dolan - 9 - 11
CHUD Daly - 11 - 12:30
Primitive Sound System - 12:30 - 2AM
D.C.'s Tavern
505 8th Street
Between Jefferson and Madison
Hoboken, New Jersey
PH: 201-792-5550
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hoboken-NJ/DCs-Tavern/89733686005 <- Facebook Page
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dcs-Tavern/111745052195139 <- Facebook Local Business Listing
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27386563721 <- Facebook Group
http://foursquare.com/venue/34395 <- On Foursquare
Chuck Daly: http://www.jerseycitytattoo.com
“Chuck O’ Daly has less drive to improve himself than just about anyone I’ve worked with. Coupled with a complete lack of precision and no understanding of what a tattoo should be. And on top of that, his attitude sucks.” - Adam Paterson - Jersey City Tattoo
“No seriously….I know how to tattoo.” - Chuck O’ Daly
I recently paid a visit to my favorite record store in NYC, Big City Records. For about nine years I have been trading a single title with the owners. A record that I became the sole source of. That record, "F Minor Disco," is by Ross Carnegie, Ross used a box and a half of the title as payment for a website I designed and built for him. I also helped him with his marketing and promotions of his live performances (which I unfortunately never attended). I met Ross while researching tracks and publishing rights for a compilation entitled, "Vital Organs Vol. One" which Ross proudly graced its cover. Not only is his track, "Cool Dad," one of my favorites on the LP but he really is one of the coolest people I have ever met. The photo that became the cover was only one of hundreds he had in an amazing archive of photos and memorabilia stored in a crawl space in his Harlem home that doubled as a meeting place. When he first gave me the records no one was interested in it. That was also what he was told when the record was originally released. Sometime in 2001 I was getting asked for copies. Apparently the people I had given copies to were far more influential than I could have ever imagined. I never counted the exact number of records in the box but there had to be about 200 copies. Well, now they are all gone. That box was one of the greatest payments anyone has ever given me for my services. Below is the final list of records I traded with the store:
Soul Searchers - "It's All In Your Mind" b/w "Soul To The People" (Sussex cat. SUX 244)
Beaufort Express - "You Got To Do Your Best" b/w "Here I Come" (Priscilla cat. SPR 1001)
The Gibson Brothers Band - "To The Bone" b/w "Love Coming At Us" (Rocker Records Inc. cat. RR - 1)
Elmore James - "Shake Your Moneymaker" b/w "Look On Yonder Wall" (Enjoy Records cat. 2022)
Yambu - "College Composition" b/w "No Matter What I Do…" (Chevere cat. 1003)
The Mighty Mocambos - "Calling The Shots" Part 1 & 2 (Mocambo cat. 45 - 1026)
Slim Willis Band - "I Stayed That" b/w "Wine Me Up Baby" (Reginald cat. ????)
Sunny Ridell - "Soul 100" Part - 1 & 2 (Darva Records cat. No. D-72473)
The Mighty Hannibal - "Get In The Groove" b/w "Somebody In The World For You" (Loma Records cat. 2093)
Pete Rodriguez y su Conjunto - "Latin Boogaloo" (Alegre Records cat. LPA 852)
Bruce Lee - "Enter The Dragon" (Warner Bros. cat. P - 5526 - 7W)