Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Sabroso! - Fat Tuesday

Hello Y'all,

Extra spicy version of Sabroso! I'll be tipping my hat to Fat Tuesdays well as the usual Latin goodness and heavy on the Boo-Ga-Loo side! Bring the beads and I'll show you my... 45 adapters. I have been told they look very much so like...

Betty Harris - "Break in the Road"
The TNT band - "Ya Ya" (or the Ritchie Ray version - maybe both)
Mary Jane Hooper - "I Got Reasons"
Dr. John - "Mardis Gras Day"
The Wild Magnolias - Iko Iko
Leon Spencer - "Message from the Meters"
Rusty Bryant - "Mister S"
Huey "Piano" Smith - "Don't You Just Know it"
Johnny Jenkins - "I Walk on Gilded Splinters"
Ernie K Doe - "Gotta Pack My Bags"
Eddie Bo - "Hook and Sling"
and many many more!

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