Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Like grooves in shellac through the Victrola, so are the sounds of our records."

Hello Y'all,
We're looking to start the Baby New Year's music education from day one. We'll be hoisting the heavy discs onto the platters and listening to to the glorious past the way Edison intended it. The groove is about four times as large as an LP or 45 and the needles look like 8 penny nails but the sound is like nothing you have ever heard (unless you are insane enough to collect 78's as well). That's right kiddies, we're talking 78RPM records here. 10" wide, weighing in at about a pound and a guaranteed knock out with every spin. Mike Longo is setting up the 78 DJ coffin complete with tube mixer and equalizer that actually dials in the sound by year! Mike and Larry will be selecting from their vast collections spread across many genres and years. They would also like to invite anyone interested in spinning a short stack to bring 'em by and lay 'em down. With this set up you can cross fade! Woo, I am almost passed out from the excitement. Come on by and enjoy a cocktail, beer wine or sip from the bar rag while the big sounds of 78's sooth, groove and move you. Larry is pickling a peck of pickled vegetables to make it that much more difficult to stick to your New Year resolution of only ten Bloody Mary's per hangover.

Mike and Larry featuring the the mixology of Larry The Hunter
Tuesday January 1st Opening to Closing
D.C.'s Tavern
505 8th Street
Between Jefferson and Madison
Hoboken, New Jersey
PH: 201-792-5550

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